Here's the abbreviated version...
The night before mom was admitted into the hospital to have me, I tried to break open the sack of waters to get the show on the road. Mom noticed a small leak and told dad it was time to go to the birth center's triage for a check-up. After the doctor examined mom, he said: "nope, not leaking amniotic fluid..." and sent us on our way home.
The next day mom and dad went to the scheduled post-due doctors appointment and the ultrasound tech looked at my position in mom's belly and also measured the amniotic fluid surrounding me. Sure enough it was really low. Mom told the doctor as they were talking in the examination room and the doctor said: "looks like you're having a baby today! I will call the birth center and get you admitted right away. Just walk across the courtyard to the registration desk, they'll get you a room and begin the induction process." Mom and dad were a little shocked because it wasn't exactly how they planned to be admitted to the birth center, but also they were excited that I'd be on my way soon.

By 5.30pm Thursday June 9th the pitocin to induce labor contractions was hooked into mom's I.V. and shortly after mom began to feel things happening. Nana arrived at the hospital around 6.30pm... she was excited that she made it across the state in time for my arrival. Mom labored by walking, standing, swaying, bouncing on a yoga ball, sitting in the jacuzzi tub (both hot and cold water), and laying in bed. Finally just after 4am Friday June 10th it was time for mom to start pushing. The nurses helped for the first hour +, then the doctor came in to finish my delivery. Nana left the room and waited by the door to hear my first cry. I wanted to greet mom and dad for the first time with my hand on my head waving hello (I thought would be fun but mom thought differently as I needed extra room to wiggle out). Lung's in full force as I made my entry. I was born at 5.53am June 10.
I felt mom's warm skin as the doctor laid me down on her tummy, and I looked up at dad.
Dad then got to cut the cord that gave me nutrients for the past 9+months.
It was emotional. I love being here with mom and dad.
Nana came into the room shortly after to meet me, then she had to go pick up papa Willy at the airport. I hung out with mom and dad. Had milk for the very first time. Then got to say hi to papa Willy. After I took a couple naps (and in-between my milk breaks of coarse), gaga came to meet me.
And later on in the evening gaga and papa Jimmy came by to say hi.
Mom, dad and I stayed a night in the birth center and left the next day, Satruday, around noon.
We were greeted home by nana and papa Willy.
What an amazing adventure!
My mom and dad love me so much!
Mom's a good sport and has been healing from a level 3/4 tear.